Thursday, May 21, 2009

an ode to 13 years at Little Axe

we've known each other thirteen years
and now we've got to face our fears
as we enter the real world.

it's hard to believe we've come so far
from losing our teeth to driving cars
we've grown up together.

it's different growing up in a small town
as we watch each other don the blue gowns
we are a part of each other.

good times and bad times
happy and sad
we've been through so much
often one the others crutch
on which to lean.

thirteen years doesn't seem so long
but through them we have grown so strong
it's been an age.

we've seen each other through the awkward stages
puberty and getting braces
now we are young men and women.

sometimes i wish it wouldn't end
it hard to part with such good friends
you've given me happy memories.

so thank you for what you have done
for me.

This is for the 'lifers'. we made it through the long haul!!

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